in this issue…
BigGive total | iNidd update | Watery Wildlife for schools | Big River Watch | Fund raising concert | New appointment
Welcome to your new look newsletter!
It’s been a busy few weeks since our last newsletter and we’ve already lots of project updates to share with you.
Look out for this newsletter landing in your inbox at the end of each month!
Photo: River Wharfe at Loup Scar
iNidd Update
Following last year’s landmark enforcement undertaking payout from Yorkshire Water, we have made – along with our partners Wild Trout Trust (WTT) and Nidd Action Group – an impressive start to our plans to create a programme of restoration to address the 2016 pollution incident on Hookstone Beck, a tributary of the River Nidd.
We are now looking for 20 enthusiastic and committed volunteers to take part in our iNidd Riverfly Monitoring Programme, to take ownership of a site and monitor aquatic invertebrate populations between May and September. No prior experience needed and all training, equipment, and personal protective gear will be provided. We are also running invasive non-native plant identification training, to help up-skill local communities in recognising and controlling, invasive plants. To find out more about invasive, non-native plants, see Non-Native Species Secretariat’s website.
Contact Jennifer Lee (Volunteer and Engagement Officer) to sign up or find out more via the button below:
Photo: Our volunteers receiving Riverfly training
Skell Valley Watery Wildlife Resource Pack
Catherine Mason, our Education and Engagement Officer has been leading on the Watery Wildlife project, working with schools in the Skell Valley, running sessions to train people how to lead their own river dipping sessions, and writing the activity pack. The pack is designed to inspire the next generation about the wonderful wildlife living in our rivers! It is written for children and families and includes information about river wildlife, a guide to river dipping, tips on how to keep safe around rivers, and worksheets on rivers and their wildlife. You can download a free copy via the button below or you can borrow a pack from Ripon Library:
Photo: Watery Wildlife in action! c. National Trust
BigGive Success
We are thrilled to announce that we exceeded our target, achieving a grand total of £5225 from this spring’s BigGive. Thank you to everyone who donated – all donations will be used to support our growing volunteering programme. We will keep you updated on how the funds are being spent and what they are helping us to achieve. If you still wish to donate you can do so via the button below:
New Communications & Marketing Officer
Photo: Victoria Benn
Big River Watch
The free and open to all Big River Watch survey takes place 3 – 6 May and is your chance to make a difference to your local river. Data gathered during Big River Watch can support policy change, helping turn the tide on plastics or stem the flow of untreated sewage. It also helps identify the best places for river clean-ups and the creation of things like wetlands. To sign up simply download the app via the appropriate button below: