For one week only − from 18 -25 April, all donations (up to £2500) will be matched by BigGive, enabling us to double our river restoration volunteer power.
Rising within a protected landscape in the heart of Yorkshire, the rivers of the Yorkshire Dales have an incredible natural heritage and support a diverse range of wildlife. Hundreds of years of abuse and mismanagement now sees our rivers in catastrophic decline, suffering from acute loss of species and habitat, and toxic pollution – a perilous situation being further compounded by the impact of climate change.
Through our ambitious volunteer programme we directly engage with the five major river catchments in the Dales, helping to reduce pollution by physically removing litter from river banks and monitoring water quality. We also improve biodiversity and manage flood risks by planting trees next to rivers and support and protect native species by monitoring and removing invasive non-native species (INNS) such as Himalayan balsam, giant hogweed and Japanese knotweed.
All donations to our BigGive campaign from 18-25 April will enable us to double our volunteer power and buy equipment to: plant up to 5,000 trees; buy litter-picking equipment and life jackets to support up to 30 volunteers working directly in our rivers; increase our monthly group litter picking events and provide INNS training for up to 25 volunteers.
How can you get involved?
- Visit: BigGive and make a donation from 18-25 April
- Set a reminder and add our campaign page to it so you don’t miss your chance to double your donation!
- Spread the word by sharing this newsletter and any social posts.
- And – make sure you are signed up to YDRT’s e newsletter to be kept up to date with all our river conservation and restoration news!