Surveying the Ure and its tributaries

What did we do and what did we find?

On the 21st August and 9th October 2024 ten teams of citizen scientists took water samples from 45 sites along the full length of the River Ure and some of its major tributaries at approximately the same time on the same day. The samples were analysed by ALS Ltd for the faecal bacteria E. coli as well as nutrient and chemical analysis.

The activity was organised by Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust with support from Stop Ure Pollution (SUP). We would like to thank the many volunteers who assisted with the sampling and Yorkshire Water for paying for the analysis.

Image: SUP volunteers collecting samples at Aysgarth Middle Falls (c. PIP POINTON)

August conditions and results

 The days preceding the August sampling had been mostly dry with only light rain in places. The results showed:

Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIO)

  • Almost half (20 out of 45) of the sites had E.coli concentrations above the levels deemed sufficient for inland bathing water.
  • E.coli concentrations rose at Bainbridge, Worton and between Aysgarth Falls and Lords Bridge; remaining high (over 2000 cfu/100ml) until past Spennithorne.
  • Increased E.coli concentrations were also noted at Masham Bridge and Ripon North in the lower catchment.
  • Potential designated bathing sites at Aysgarth Falls had E.coli concentrations above the levels deemed sufficient for inland bathing water.
  • E.coli concentrations in the tributaries were much lower than in the main river. Three of the tributaries (Cover, Skell and Tutt) would not meet the sufficient level for inland bathing water.

Physico-chemical Parameters

  •  Total Oxidised Nitrogen levels were below 2.5 mg/l at all but two sites – the Skell and the Tutt
  • Conductivity readings were below 500µS at all but two sites – the Skell and the Tutt.
  • pH readings were consistent between 7.8 and 8.8 along the whole stretch of the Ure.
  • Phosphates, ammonia and nitrite levels were consistently low along the length of the Ure with only trace levels present at a handful of sites.

October conditions and results

The October sampling took place after a period of wet weather. Heavy rain had fallen the day and night before. Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) data showed that some Combined Storm Overflows had been discharging prior to the testing. The river flow gauges showed a pulse of water travelling down the river on the day.

The results showed:

Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIO)

  •  Almost all (41 out of 45) of the sites had E.coli concentrations above the levels deemed sufficient for inland bathing water.
  • E.coli concentrations were high (over 2000 cfu/100ml) right from the top of the catchment at Lunds, peaking at Aysgarth footbridge (8900 cfu/100ml) and remaining high until West Tanfield.
  • Increased E.coli concentrations then rose again at Bridge Hewick (3500 cfu/100ml), dropping slightly at Boroughbridge before rising dramatically at Aldborough (9500 cfu/100ml)
  • Potential designated bathing sites at Aysgarth Falls had E.coli concentrations 8 times above the levels deemed sufficient for inland bathing water (7500cfu/100ml v 900 cfu/100ml)
  • None of the tributaries would meet the sufficient level for inland bathing water.
  • The highest e-coli concentration was recorded on the River Tutt at Boroughbridge (18,900 cfu/100ml)

Physico-chemical Parameters

  • Total Oxidised Nitrogen levels were below 2.5 mg/l at all but one site – the Tutt
  • Conductivity readings were below 500µS at all but one site – the Tutt.
  • pH readings were consistent between 7.2 and 8.8 along the whole stretch of the Ure.
  • Phosphates, ammonia and nitrite levels were consistently low along the length of the Ure until the lower end of the catchment. Areas for concern are the Skell, Bishop Monkton, the Tutt and Aldborough.
  • Suspended solids are the fine particles of sediment in the water and their level usually increases with the rate of water flow due to increased turbulence. There is a general increase in suspended solids from Bainbridge down to Burn Bridge, with small peaks in the Aysgarth area, Eshington Bridge and a larger peak on the Tutt. Further analysis is needed to interpret the peaks at Aysgarth and further investigation is needed on the Tutt.

Next Steps:

• Further analysis of the results and compilation of a full report using data from both sampling days, river levels, Event Duration Monitoring and other sources.
• Work with the Environment Agency and others to increase our understanding of E.Coli concentrations in the Ure Catchment
• Further E.coli testing on the stretch of river between Bainbridge and Jervaulx
• Further analysis on the Skell and Tutt tributaries as the results on the Tutt are of concern in more than one parameter